Course Calender

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 13: Global Warming.... Sense of Urgency?

To the scholars,

Welcome to Week 12 of our online discussion, I'm sure most of you already have strong opinions on the issue of Global Warming but if you haven't already heard of Al Gore's: An Inconvenient Truth than I wanted to introduce to you an interesting way of thinking on the issue of Global Warming. As you hear this point of view please don't think its a scientific law... It is a THEORY (data to support but not proven over and over again.) This weeks information isn't meant to change your way of thinking merely to challenge it. Lets hear your opinions on Al Gore's: An Inconvenient Truth - trailer to movie -Interview Summary Article

I look forward to viewing your responses to this controversal topic.

Mr. D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 12: Evolution, Was It Really What You Thought?


Make sure you get all those missing assignments in this week because there is not much time before the 2nd six weeks ends. This past week we discussed the topic of Evolution. Most of us came into this week with our own ideas of what Science thought of Evolution but I wanted to know if anything that we discussed this week was eye opening or new information to you. Post your thoughts and have a great week.

Shine on

Mr. D

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 11: Who Dun It?

Hey Scholars!!!

This week is our CSI week of Genetics. We have talked about bloodtyping and now we are discussing DNA Fingerprinting. For this weeks post you can either research and find out what bloodtype you are (hint: look at your birth cert.) or you can find a news article where DNA FingerPrinting helped solve a criminal case.

Good Luck Detectives


Mr. D

Week 10: Albinism a rare genetic disorder

Hey Scholars!!!

Since we are covering Albinism this week, the rare autosomal recessive disorder. My challenge for you this week is to post a link to a great photograph of an organism with Albinism.

Happy Researching Scholars

Mr. D