Course Calender

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 9: Funny Biology Jokes


These past few weeks have been pretty stressful and I thought this week we could try to find our laughter again. So in an effort to increase laughter and find happiness in hard situations, this week's task is to find and post a funny (appropriate) Biology joke.


Mr. D

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 8: Cell Growth and Cancers

Hey Scholars,

This week we are talking about cell growth and division. We discussed what happens when cells grow out of control... Cancers. There is a factoid that says 3 out of 4 people will be affected by cancer throughout their lives. For this week's post you can blog about someone close to you who has battled cancer or you can enlighten us with new cancer treatments that are being developed.


Mr. D

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 7: Codons... its all about codes... secret agent man!!!!

Hey Scholars,

We are cruisin along.... This week we are discussion RNA and its involvement with Protein Synthesis. Proteins are what makes cells so different from one another and allow for cell specialization. It takes transcription and translation to construct these proteins and it involves alot of codons (set of three nitrogen bases) to do so. For this weeks post create your own coded message using the decoder handout that I gave in class on Tuesday. Keep it scholarly.

Mr. D