Course Calender

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 6: Cell Growth and Cancers

Hey Scholars,

This week we are talking about cell growth and division. We discussed what happens when cells grow out of control... Cancers. There is a factoid that says 3 out of 4 people will be affected by cancer throughout their lives. For this week's post you can blog about someone close to you who has battled cancer or you can enlighten us with new cancer treatments that are being developed.

Get those Missing Assignments Turned In!!!

Mr. D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 5: Poetic Processess Follow-Up


This week we delivered our Poetic Processes Presentations... I was just looking to get some feedback about the project in general.... Likes? and Dislikes? Let me Know


Mr. Dillman

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 4: It's All About The Process.

Hey Scholars!

This Week we will be discussing Cell Processes. For this weeks blog give me an update on how your Poetic Processes Project is going (description of performance) or one thing interesting you learned while working on the project.

Have a Fantabulous Week!

~ Mr. D

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 3: Trapped in a Cell

Welcome Scholars to Week 3!!!

Boy Oh' Boy the weeks sure are flyin by,
For this weeks discussion..... post the link (url) to a cool interactive website for the cell and its organelle.

Have an Awesome Week!

PS: Start studying a little harder for these assessments on Fridays and don't forget to do your corrections.

Mr. D