Course Calender

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Scientific Method


As we move through the protocol for scientific method this week, we realize how important it is to study other scientific research before conducting our own. For this weeks online assignment I would like you to find a biological article (periodical) (of your choice of topic) online, make sure the link to the article is in your post and discuss/sumarize the research you found.

(ABSTRACTS ARE OK but full text is preferred)

Here is a hint: go to google, at the top of the page click more... then click scholar then all you have to do is type in the topic of your choice.

Mr. D

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Welcome to Mr. D's online classroom!

Above is a virtual calender of our class activities and due dates for you to check if you forget to write it down in class. Throughout the semester there will be topics for you to discuss (comment or question) weekly. This is not a required activity but is very helpful to you who struggle with test taking. Ever week you post an "appropriate" comment to the topic at hand 5 Extra Credit points will be added to your overall Assessment Grade. For a six weeks grade there are 30 EC points available just for blogging once a week. All comments should pertain to the topic presensted by myself. Any inappropriate comments or questions will face steep consequences. This will be a fun and exciting way of utilizing technology to further our education about Biological topics. I look forward to reviewing all of your comments/questions on our first topic very soon.

Mr. D

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week of Jan 12th- 16th Discussion: Last Week of Biology

Dear Scholars,

This is the final post for the semester. It has been a pleasure getting to know you all so well.
For this last weeks blog tell me either your favorite part of the semester or your NOT-SO-
Favorite part of the semester. Again I will miss you all so much. Keep taking the Sciences and
maybe I'll see you again soon.
Your Beloved

Mr. D

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week of Jan. 5th- 9th Discussion: Dissections, Lets cut something open!

Hey Scholars!!!

The last few weeks of Biology.... tear (drop). For this week's blog find and post the link for a Virtual Dissection website. I am always looking for a few good online diessection websites for those squimish Biology students.

Mr. D